About L Kiew
A chinese-malaysian living in London, L Kiew earns her living as a charity sector leader and an accountant. She holds a MSc in Creative Writing and Literary Studies from Edinburgh University. Her pamphlet The Unquiet was published by Offord Road Books in 2019. Her debut collection, More than Weeds, was published in February 2023 with Nine Arches Press.
Her poems have been published in Brittle Star, Butcher’s Dog, Finished Creatures, Gutter, Ink Sweat and Tears, Lighthouse , Obsessed with Pipework, Magma, Shearsman, Tears in the Fence, The Dark Horse, The Scores, The North, Rialto, Under the Radar and Wasifiri among other magazines and websites. Her Candlestick Press-commissioned poem published in Christmas Spirit: Ten Poems to Warm the Heart was included in a 2023 BBC Radio 3 Christmas Day broadcast.
Her poetry has been anthologised in Living with other people: an anthology for indefinite times (Corrupted Editions, 2022), Streetcake experimental writing prize anthology (Streetcake, 2022), From the Silence of the Stacks: New Voices Rise (London Library, 2021), Crossing Lines: an anthology of immigrant poetry (Broken Sleep Books, 2021), Where we find ourselves (Arachne Press, 2021) and Footprints: an anthology of new ecopoetry (Broken Sleep Books, 2022). L Kiew’s collaboration with Michael Weston is included in Battalion (Sidekick Books, 2018) . Her correspondence with Khairani Barokka is included in State of Play (Outspoken Press, 2024).
In 2017 she took part in the Poetry School/London Parks and Gardens Trusts Mixed Borders Poets Residency Scheme and the Toast Poetry mentoring programme. She was shortlisted for 2017 Primers mentoring and publication scheme. She was a 2019/20 participant in the London Library Emerging Writers Programme.
To purchase a signed copy of More than Weeds , please contact L Kiew directly.
To visit the L Kiew Bookshop click on BookShop logo or HERE for recommendations of books by East and Southeast Asian writers. It also includes books on botany, horticulture, colonialism and its impacts, and the environment.